
Our Esteemed Clients

Babel Isda AI has the ability to know your customers better than they know themselves, thus enabling you to hyper-personalize how you engage with each of them and massively increase your customer retention.

Maximize the Potential of your Data Streams
Re-engage Dormant Buyers
Give your Consumers the Gift of Convenience

Babel Isda BI ( Business Intelligence) puts in place a unifying infrastructure for your organization. With popped silos, singular, easily-understood data lakes and better communication between departments comes the windfall of Real Efficiency and Maximized Productivity. Don’t let decentralized and messy data sources keep your organization from the most beneficial modern Data Science techniques available in the world.

More Room to Scale

Greater Visibility of Data Lineage

Actionable Insights in Real-Time

Isda NLP is the solution to what we call the “Tornado of Textual Data” which is menacing organizations today. It is the one-stop solution to extract and standardize textual data from your logistics files, internal documents and digital media. Isda NLP can sieve through your data to make it more structured & usable and also save thousands of human hours in data processing.

Insight into Employee Morale Levels
Spot Discrepancies
Gather Gossip from the World Wide Web

